The 21st of October featured Cindy Sheehan's Women's March on the Pentagon. Protesters assembled outside the Pentagon City shopping mall, and set off chanting "out of the shopping malls and into the streets." The march wound under the highway and through the streets around the Pentagon before finally ending in one of the Pentagon parking lots. One of the speakers recounted the role of antiwar organizations in scuttling Trump's plans for a military parade honoring himself. On Nov 10, what was to be protests in opposition to that parade will be a peace conference, replacing Trump's fascist parade.
The march took place on the 51st anniversary of the Oct 21, 1967 anti-Vietnam War march on the Pentagon where protesters inserted flowers into Military Police rifle barrels and the Yippies vowed to "levitate" the building. The objective of those MP's was to block protesters from climbing the Pentagon steps and carrying out their vow to storm the building. Driven by the combination of the military draft and the blood-drenched war in Vietnam, those protesters meant business, and flowers or not the MP's knew it. It took six more years, but in the end those protesters and the Vietnamese had won, an Johnson and later Nixon had lost.
Fifty one years later, the demands of the 2018 Women's March on the Pentagon included the closure of ALL foreign US military bases and an end to every last one of the US's foreign wars, deployments,and other military actions.